Area Rug Cleaning

Is Area Rug Cleaning right for you?

Depositphotos_2854264_xsIf you have a fairly large rug that is mostly in good condition, but a small portion of it is stained or soiled it will be much easier to clean just that portion than to clean the entire rug. Not only can you avoid a significant disruption to your living space and quality of life, but you will also save on a cost-effective solution.

We use state of the art techniques and applications to remove isolated stains on your oriental or Persian rugs. Our carpet cleaning professionals have plenty of practical experience removing stains on a variety of rugs, and we use the highest quality solvents that help to target the stains while maintaining your rug’s condition.

It’s almost impossible to avoid occasional spills in your home or office, and most rugs will get stained at some point in their lifetime. If you have children at home, you know that contending with difficult to remove stains is often a fact of life. Whether you have a small stain, or a larger spot that has built up with frequent spills over time, we can remove it entirely with our cutting-edge techniques for purging stubborn stains from deep within your rug. We pride ourselves on making homeowners lives with our efficient stain removal process.

Area Rug Cleaning Service Available Throughout Southern California

We are proud to offer Rug Cleaning Service throughout L.A county, Orange county, San Fernando Valley, Woodland Hills, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Valencia, Studio City, Sherman Oaks, Encino, Tarzana, Porter Ranch, Thousand Oaks, Century City, Marina Del Rey, Redondo Beach and Malibu.